
There’s nothing like planning a complicated journey on public transport with multiple stops to get your maths juices flowing.  Or in my case, frying my brain.

Spreadsheets all set up to plan a fairly complicate journey in Scandinavia, all looks fine so why does one spreadsheet say 12 nights and the other 13?  Well, there I was peering intently at the numbers trying to make sense of them.  Nope simply can’t see where we have gone wrong at all. So I try squinting even harder but then the numbers just start doing a little dance. I close one eye and concentrate very hard. Nope nothing. Then they numbers start doing the hokey cokey and I think to myself that they are just ganging up on me.  They cease to make any sense whatsoever.

Only one thing for it, resort to using fingers for counting and check each line separately. Eureka!  We had lost a night as one of the journeys starts after midnight, there was a our lost night, nestling in the witching hour. Oh the deep joy of time not being in the decimal system.

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