About me

CHW Portrait - Maths Tutor

The arrival of Comfortably Sum is the result of a long and personal journey. I came into education later in life than many and I think that has helped me in my work with adult learners. It started with my taking ‘A- levels’ in my thirties and has followed the path of teacher training to the stage I am now; offering personalised and individual maths tuition to adult learners (those aged 16+).

In today’s workplace it is becoming more prevalent to engage in work-based learning. These days we are not necessarily working in one industry for the rest of our careers, so retraining is becoming more commonplace. Many of these training programmes include maths and English modules – subjects that not everyone finds easy, particularly maths.

My areas of interest and expertise are teaching those who don’t always feel that they can succeed in maths. I firmly believe in teaching the concepts rather than blindly following a formula. Many people I have taught over the last 10 years have found that they already know more than they think they do and it is a case of building on the foundations that are already there and inspiring confidence.

I offer a personalised and individual service, dependent on the needs of each learner rather than following a set course. My background is in family learning (5 years) and work-based learning (4 years). I primarily concentrate on maths/Numeracy but also offer English/Literacy; both subjects at L1 and L2 although Entry levels are also available.

For more details please take a look here and also do read my blog for some of my thoughts…

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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