Things I like | St. Mungo’s

St Mungo’s is a charity that I have only recently become aware of. It is a charity that embraces a holistic approach to helping the homeless. They offer everything from accommodation to courses that help people retrain and enable them to go back into the job market.

I live in Bath which is a city with quite a high number of homeless people, which in this day and age in a first world country is quite shocking. All around me is affluence, grand houses and posh shops and amongst that is a large number of people that have next to nothing. It is a very visual thing, you see the homeless in and around town day and night. I am very fortunate that I have a warm home to live in so try and do my bit for others who do not. I also try and support one of the Big Issue sellers whenever I can, he is out in all winds and weathers selling his magazine.

I first heard of St Mungo’s when I got involved with World Zombie Day which has an event in London but has events all over the world in October. Essentially everyone gets dressed up as zombies and goes for a shamble around the centre of London. I raised £120 last year and hope to raise more this year. It was a really fun way to spend the day and there are activities for after the walk.

I also plonk St Mungo’s using this is a micro donation site where you can donate small amounts of money by using virtual piggybanks. It is a great site for those people who can’t afford a regular donation but would like to send a little as and when they can. There are many different charities that you can donate to depending on your inclination.  For me it is St Mungo’s, a dog rescue charity and a cancer charity.

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